Wet Dream 1978

Wet Dream 1 1978, archival digital print from 35 mm colour transparency, size variable
Wet Dream 1978
Action, and performance, six 35 mm slide projectors, analogue computer controller, bed prop
Initially a set of actions: ‘walk into water, fall into the sea’. These actions were documented and remain evidence of the initiating work, Wet Dream. A short time later the same action was reshot from three positions to create an animated panorama for a unique performance. Six computer controlled slide projectors were used to create a panoramic seascape. Both the initiating action and the performance (two distinct works) were called Wet Dream.
- A bed is positioned against and parallel to a gallery wall.
- A man in a suit gets into the bed and pulls the bed covers over him.
- Lights out, projectors on.
- the projection shows an animated panorama of a beach with a man walking through the shallows in a suit. The projected man reaches the centre of the panorama (located immediately above the bed) and falls backward into the water.
- The projectors are switched off and the gallery lights are switched on. The audience sees the man rise from the bed and walk away (in real-time) dripping wet.