Yurabirong 1994 -1998

Yurabirong, 1997 narrative sound work for radio, commissioned by the Australian Broadcasting Commission 1997 voices: Bradley Byquar, Brenda Croft, H J Wedge, Jody Chester, Tjanara Talbot Duration 25 min

Yurabirong  is about memory and language in an attempt to resolve an incomplete history of Australia.  A starting point for the work is linguist and Ngarigu woman Dr Jakelin Troy’s research into the ‘Sydney language’, Yurabirong also ‘re-hears’ archival recordings from ABC Radio.

Yurabirong, presented on the occasion of the National Reconciliation Convention, evokes a sonic picture of Sydney through archival recordings and re-enactments of the arrival of Cook and Phillip. These audio memories are used as a counter point to contemporary recordings of Sydney new years eve celebrations as indigenous Australian performers learn the ‘Sydney language’.

Broadcast on “The Listening Room” on ABC Classic FM, 26 May 1997.